Protein Rich Foods for Vegans

If you are looking for a broader range of protein rich foods, download my list of Protein Rich Foods for Vegetarian

Cereal Products
Gluten from Wheat74.9%Wheat Germ22.6%Spelt Flour18.7%
Wheat Bran14.8%Wild Rice14.7%Quinoa14.1%
Couscous13.8%Rolled Oats12.7%Pasta Wholemeal12.5%
Wholemeal Rye Flour12%Buckwheat11.7%Wholemeal Wheat Flour11.3%
Millet11.1%Buckwheat Noodles10.8%
Herbs & Spices
Parsley, dried26.6%Fenugreek Seeds, dried18.4%Cumin Seeds, dried18.4%
Basil, dried18.2%Chili, dried14.1%Paprika14.1%
Turmeric14%Coriander Seeds, dried13%Cardamom Seeds, ground10.8%
Black or White Pepper10.7%Sage, dried10.6%
Legumes and Pulses
Lupin Beans41%Lentils, dried24.7%Split Peas, dried23%
Red Kidney Beans, dried22.5%Haricot Beans, dried21.9%Lima Beans, dried21.4%
Chick Pea (Besan) Flour19.7%Red Beans, dried13.8%
Spirulina Powder57.4%Seaweed46.7%Yeast Powder36.4%
Vegemite24.1%Cocoa Powder16.1%Goji Berries14.2%
Tomato, sundried11.2%Mesquite Powder12%
Nuts and Seeds
Hemp Seeds31.5%Pumpkin Seeds30.2%Sunflower Seeds26.8%
Pandanus Kernel25.9%Peanuts24.4%Sesame Seeds22.2%
Almonds21%Wattle Seeds20.3%Pistachios21%
Linseed/ Flaxseed18.3%Poppy Seeds18%Cashews17%
Chia Seeds16.5%Hazelnuts14.8%Brazil Nuts14.4%
Soya Products
Soya Flour46.5%Soya Beans, dried31.3%Tempeh (Fermented Soy)23.2%
Tofu (Soya Bean Curd)13.5%Miso (Soya Bean Paste)12.9%Edamame Beans12%
Some of this material is copyright of the Commonwealth of Australia, Food Standards Australia New Zealand and Adjunct Professor H. Greenfield and others at the University of N.S.W.
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